The TRAPHEAC team invites you to join the Swiss cohort of bus drivers. A cohort is a large group of people who regularly share their information in order to study health-related topics. We are focusing on drivers with at least one year of bus driving experience between 2000 and now at a Swiss public transport company.
The bus driver profession is essential to our country and makes a major contribution to sustainable development, both socially and ecologically. This profession is evolving, and we are interested in demographic changes, working conditions, possible occupational exposures and their impact on health and well-being of bus drivers.
You must be resident in Switzerland and have worked for at least one year as a driver at a Swiss public transport company between January 2000 and the present.
Join us in this important research to better understand your profession and its impact.
To participate in TRAPHEAC, all you have to do is to fill in an electronic questionnaire every 6 to 12 months. The main questionnaire, called the inclusion questionnaire, is divided into three main parts: 1) your career path and working conditions, 2) your health, and 3) your life balance, including leisure activities, for example.
In the first phase, we will ask you to complete online the inclusion questionnaire. This questionnaire is very important for the study, as your answers will serve as a reference or baseline data to identify future changes. It will take between 50 and 60 minutes on average to complete the inclusion questionnaire and you will receive CHF 25 in compensation in the form of a voucher.
In subsequent phases of the TRAPHEAC project, you will receive much shorter follow-up questionnaires designed to bring your information up to date.