About us

Über uns

TRAPHEAC aims at gaining a better understanding of bus drivers' working conditions. If you are a bus driver at a Swiss public company with more than one year of professional experience, you are eligible and can participate in TRAPHEAC. This cohort study tracks changes in your working conditions, personal life and health over time, offering a unique perspective on your professional life experience.

Why participate?

Monitoring over time:

Start by answering some initial questions, then update your information every 6 to 12 months.

Prospective occupational cohort:

Contribute to an essential study for understanding risk factors and preventing work-related health problems.

Occupational exposure:

Measure the disturbances to which you may be exposed at work, such as noise, air pollution or violence.

How does it work?

Measuring exposure: 

We assess working conditions, noting changes over time.

Impact on health:

We are analyzing whether these conditions are linked to changes in bus drivers’ health.

Proposed changes : 

If any links are found and confirmed, we will propose preventive interventions to protect the health and well-being of professionals as far as possible.

Transparency and data security

Public funding: 

TRAPHEAC is financed by public research funds, ensuring the objectivity of the results.

Federal support:

Four federal offices are supporting the project. 

Data confidentiality:

The transport companies have no access to the data or to the identity of the participants. The data collected is stored securely on a server shared by Unisanté and the University Hospital Center of Vaud canton (CHUV).

Who is behind TRAPHEAC?

The project is led by Professor Guseva Canu's team at Unisanté's Department of Occupational and Environmental Health. Only authorized members of the team will have access to the project's coded data in order to carry out the statistical analyses. 

Your participation is essential to advance the understanding of your profession and to contribute to significant improvements.

Join us now by clicking on the button

The research team / TRAPHEAC study management

Unisanté is the university center for general medicine and public health linked to the University of Lausanne. Its aim is to maintain and improve the health of the population. Unisanté cares for people as individuals but also as members of a community, taking into account their family, professional, social and environmental context.

Project partners

Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)
Federal Office of Transport (FOT)
Federal Statistical Office (FSO)
Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH)
Union des transports publics (UTP)
Transport Workers' Union (SEV)
Swiss Union of Public Services (SSP)
Media and Communications Union (Syndicom)

Research team

Prof. Irina Guseva Canu

Prof. Irina Guseva Canu
Unisanté, Université de Lausanne

Dr. Romain Freund

Dr. Romain Freund

Viviane Remy

Viviane Remy
Unisanté, Université de Lausanne

Thomas Charreau

Thomas Charreau

Maryline Krummenacher-Falquet

Maryline Krummenacher-Falquet