I would like toparticipate in the study


Who can participate?

If you have worked as a bus driver in a Swiss public transport company for at least one year between January 2000 and the present, you are eligible to participate in the study. 


Click on the button "I want to participate" at the bottom of this page. You will be redirected to a new page where you only need to provide your e-mail address.

Step 2

Once you have submitted your e-mail address, you will automatically receive an e-mail containing a unique link enabling you to set your password. The login details you create will enable you to log in at any time.

Step 3

On the portal, you will find all the information you need about the study, protection and confidentiality of your data.

Step 4

To complete your registration, please: 

Read the detailed information on the study available below

Give your consent to participate in the TRAPHEAC study

Confirm your eligibility for the TRAPHEAC study

Enter your identifying details.

By confirming your consent online, you agree to participate in the study in a free and informed manner, a legal requirement prior to participation.

Confirmation of your eligibility for the study will ensure that the project's scientific criteria are met.

Your identifying information will help to ensure the reliability of the data collected. It will be secured by Unisanté's IT department and will not be accessible. Your confidentiality is our priority.

The study will be carried out in several phases to understand how your personal and professional life has evolved over time.

First Participation:

When you first participate, you will complete a three-part Inclusion questionnaire. This questionnaire will cover your professional career, your working conditions, your health, and your work-life balance. These data will be used to establish a reference point for monitoring their development. You will be able to complete each part in the order that suits you, using any connected device (computer, tablet, smartphone; Windows, Android, iOS). The estimated time to complete the entire questionnaire is 50 to 60 minutes.

Future investments:

When you participate in future surveys, you will complete the Follow-up questionnaire. This questionnaire will be shorter and you will receive it every 6 to 12 months. The Follow-up questionnaires will follow the same principle as the Inclusion questionnaire, but will be adapted to reflect changes that have occurred over the last few months.

Flexible Access:

You can use any connected device to respond (computer, tablet, smartphone; Windows, Android, iOS). This flexibility is designed to make your participation as convenient as possible.

Duration of the Study:

To ensure the robustness of the results, TRAPHEAC is planned over several years. You will therefore receive Follow-up questionnaires over an extended period, to capture changes in your life. 

Your continued commitment is essential to the success of the study, and we thank you for your valuable contribution.

Enrichment of study data by the Federal Statistical Office

In order to make the questionnaires shorter, some of the data available to the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) will be incorporated into TRAPHEAC database. These data mainly relate to demographic aspects and changes in your health. They include information on hospital admissions and surgical operations. It will help us to understand your situation better. 

This integration gives us the opportunity to access precise details, such as the exact diagnosis made by healthcare staff and the precise date of any medical events. This information is crucial to ensure the validity of the results in a cohort study such as TRAPHEAC. 

Data on environmental exposure in Switzerland will also be added. These data belong to the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) and the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH). They will be used to assess the exposure associated with your place of residence. 

It is important to note that the association of all this data (SFSO, FOEN, FOPH) with your answers will be carried out by SFSO teams, in accordance with Swiss law. This measure guarantees the security and confidentiality of your information, thus reinforcing the robustness of our study. We thank you for your understanding and for your valuable contribution to the research.

Why participate?

We recognize that our knowledge of your work as bus drivers is limited, making it difficult to understand the relationships between certain health problems and the realities of your job. This limits our ability to identify illnesses that may affect you specifically and to develop appropriate prevention strategies. In the absence of sufficient scientific data, decision-makers lack crucial information to implement prevention measures and appropriate policies aimed at ensuring working conditions conducive to preserving your health and well-being at work.

Your participation is very important in filling these gaps and giving us a better understanding of your business. Thanks to your contributions, we will be able to make recommendations on the actions that would be most beneficial to you and your colleagues. We sincerely thank you for your commitment to this study. Thanks to information like yours, we will be able to shape more appropriate policies and professional practices aimed at preserving health.


By participating in the project, the constraints are: 

- the time necessary to complete the questionnaire 

-the agreement for the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) adds some of your personal data to the data collected from the questionnaires into the study database. 

-the agreement for the FSO links data concerning exposure in your place of residence to the study database. 

There are no physical or psychological risks involved in participating in this research project. Furthermore, all the institutions involved (Unisanté, the Swiss Federal Statistical Office) will take all the necessary technical and legal measures to ensure the protection and confidentiality of your personal data.


Confidentiality and data security

Unisanté and the FSO will be the two institutions involved in data processing. The relevant departments of these two bodies will apply their procedures in accordance with the highest standards in this field (protected servers based in Switzerland, encryption of identifying data, exchanges of encrypted, de-identified data, etc.). 

The FSO collaborates with scientific and medical institutions to provide them with the data required for research carried out in the interests of the Swiss population. Each collaboration is subject to a strict regulated process between the partners, in order to guarantee the population's privacy. 

All data collected in the questionnaires will be treated as strictly confidential. 

The cross-referencing of your identifying data with data from the FSO, the FOEN and the FOPH will be carried out by the FSO, in accordance with Swiss law. 

To guarantee the confidentiality of your data, your identifying information will be coded (i.e. replaced by an encrypted code). You will be allocated two different codes (encrypted study participant number). The first is a code defined by Unisanté's IT department. Only the Unisanté IT department will have the correspondence between this code and your identifying data. It will be used to ensure your computer identification and the correct collection of data from the questionnaires. This code will also be used for statistical analyses of questionnaire data. This code will be accessible to the Unisanté IT department, to the person responsible for data management in the TRAPHEAC project and to the research team. 

For the data that will be linked, the FSO will assign you a second code, corresponding to your personal and unique participant number. Only the FSO will have the correspondence between this code and your identifying data. This FSO code will be used for statistical analyses of the linked data. The code will be accessible to the FSO, to the person responsible for data management in the TRAPHEAC project and to the research team. 

None of the individual results will be made public or communicated. The results published in scientific journals or communicated to the general public will always concern a group of several dozen people, making it impossible to identify or recognize a specific individual. 

When you register, you will be asked to enter your AVS number. We are aware of the identifying and private nature of this information and will respect your choice to share it, whether positive or negative. Nevertheless, we would like to make it clear why this number is useful to us. 

The AVS number is used in certain official Swiss databases to link some of your information together. The FSO therefore uses the AVS number for many of its data operations. 

The presence of the AVS number from the outset will make it easier to link data from the FOEN and the FOPH. The AVS number will be stored and secured by Unisanté's IT department. For the purposes of the study, it will be accessible and used only by the FSO, and in a very secure manner.