+ - What is the purpose of the study?
The main aim of the TRAPHEAC project is to gain a better understanding of your work experience, including the challenges you may face. We want to find out whether the working conditions and factors to which you are exposed have an impact on your health and well-being. The results of this study will enable us to make recommendations aimed at improving the working conditions of bus drivers and safeguarding their health.
+ - What does "TRAPHEAC" mean?
This is an acronym for the Transport Personnel Health Cohort study.
+ - Can I participate in the study?
You can participate if you have worked for at least one year as a bus driver for a public transport company in Switzerland.
+ - How can you participate?
To participate in this study, simply click on the "Participate" button in the menu at the top of this page. You will be redirected to a page providing detailed information about the study, as well as the criteria for participating.
+ - How does my participation work in practice?

At the top of this page, you can click on the "Participate" button. This will redirect you to information about the TRAPHEAC study and the "I want to participate" button. By clicking on this button, you will be asked to enter your e-mail address.

Once you have entered and validated your e-mail address in the field, you will receive an automatic message containing your personal identifiers (login and password), as well as the link to the study's Internet portal page. Your login details will enable you to connect to the portal at any time.

On the portal, you'll find all the information you need about the study and the protection and confidentiality of your data.

To finalize your registration, you should:

  • To confirm your eligibility for TRAPHEAC
  • To confirm your consent to participate in the study
  • To enter your identifying information

Once you have filled in these details, you will be redirected to the questionnaires, which you can fill in from any connected device (computer, tablet, smartphone). The initial questionnaire takes 50 to 60 minutes to complete and you will have 1 month to complete it.

You will then be included in the TRAPHEAC. You will then receive much shorter update questionnaires every 6 to 12 months for several years.

+ - Why should I participate?

Our aim is to improve our knowledge of your working conditions and how they have changed over time. We also want to know more about the impact they have on your health, so that we can put forward recommendations to help you work in good conditions and feel good at work.

That's where you come in. By participating, you become an actor in your own change.

+ - What is a cohort?

A cohort is a group of participants involved in a research study over a specific period, often several years.

Members of TRAPHEAC regularly asked questions about their working conditions and career, their health and their life balance. Participants are tracked over time, enabling us to observe whether or not changes in each of these factors develop. This approach gives us the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of how participants' working conditions evolve over time and their link with health in the profession.

+ - Is there any remuneration?
Your participation in this research project will not bring you any direct benefits. However, there may be indirect benefits. Your participation will help to improve understanding of working conditions and the factors to which you may be exposed in your job. This information can be used to implement preventive measures aimed at improving working conditions and reducing health and safety risks for professionals. In this way, you'll also be helping future bus drivers.
+ - Will my answers be confidential?
Yes, your answers will be treated as strictly confidential thanks to the study pseudonym that will be assigned to you. The scientists carrying out the statistical analyses will not have access to any of your identifying data. The results published will always relate to a large number of participants, making it impossible to identify any one person.
+ - Who has access to the data?

Access to research data (pseudonymized, de-identified and coded) will not be public. Only members of the project team responsible for data collection, analysis and scientific interpretation will have access, in accordance with the regulations and framework approved by the relevant ethics committee.

Access to identifying data will be restricted solely to the Unisanté IT service and the FSO. This access is subject to strict regulations and security procedures (e.g. only for IT maintenance operations).

+ - Why do I need to give my AVS number?
Official Swiss databases use the AVS number to link certain information about you. It enables your information to be grouped together under a single identifier. This number is commonly used by the Federal Statistical Office to carry out its operations. Your AVS number will only be used by the FSO to link your answers to certain data about you (e.g. your hospitalizations and surgical operations). The choice of whether or not to provide the AVS number is a personal preference and will be respected without any implication.